Silambam Highlight

World Silambam Association

Persatuan Silambam Dunia

உலக சிலம்பம் சங்கம்

Topic: Silambam Anti-Doping Rules

Author: Guruji Murugan Chillayah
Published Date: 22 November 2014
Last modified: 20 March 2025

Silambam Anti-Doping Rules

Anti-Doping Rules (based on the 2021 code)


The Anti-Doping Rules of World Silambam Association as amended from time to time, and all Members must adhere to the Guidelines, Principles, and Practices contained therein.


In the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code, there are ten possible Anti-Doping Rules Violations.


They are:


• Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s Sample;


• Use or Attempted Use by an Athlete of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method ;


• Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection by an Athlete;


• Whereabouts failures by an Athlete: Any combination of three (3) missed tests and/or filing failures, as defined in the International Standard for Results Management, within a twelve (12) month period by an Athlete in a Registered Testing Pool;


• Tampering or attempted tampering with any part of a doping control by an Athlete or Other Person;


• Possession of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method by an Athlete or Athlete Support Person;


• Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking in any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method by an Athlete or Other Person;


• Administration or Attempted Administration by an Athlete or Other Person to any Athlete In-Competition of any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method, or Administration or Attempted Administration to any Athlete Out-of-Competition of any Prohibited Substance or any Prohibited Method that is Prohibited Out-of-Competition;


• Complicity or Attempted Complicity by an Athlete or Other Person: Assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, conspiring, covering up or any other type of intentional complicity or Attempted complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation, an ADRV or any attempted ADRV;


• Prohibited Association by an Athlete or Other Person: Association by an Athlete or other Person subject to the authority of an Anti-Doping Organization in a professional or sport-related capacity with any Athlete Support Person such as a coach, doctor, or physiotherapist who has been found guilty of a criminal or disciplinary offense equivalent to a doping violation.


• Acts by an Athlete or Other Person to Discourage or Retaliate Against Reporting to Authorities


Doping Control Requirements


An Anti-Doping testing unit (Doping Control Station) conforming to World Silambam Association (WSA) Anti-Doping Rules must be available and operative, the expenses for the unit to be met by the host National Federation (NF). For any other queries and responsibilities, refer to the World Silambam Association (WSA) Anti-Doping.


The Silambam Organizing Committee (SOC) of respective country must provide and arrange for doping control following the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rules of International Standard for Testing and Investigation - for both urine and blood testing respecting the minimum level of analysis as given in the Technical Document for Sports Analysis.


The Doping Control Station has only one function providing space for doping tests. No other function or unauthorized traffic such as no weight control, no use as a medical or emergency room, and no use as a dressing room is allowed. It must be well secured, guarded, locked, and separated from the Tournament Area / Platform. The location of the Doping Control Station shall be marked with clear signs from various directions. No filming or photographs is allowed in the doping control area.


Doping Control Selection Procedure


The selection criteria for doping control is defined for each event in the event’s outlines. The Medical Committee delegate together with the World Silambam Association (WSA) Official and a representative of the responsible Sample Collection Authority will carry out the draw; all the Silambam Players must sign the draw protocol. Any further tests are at the discretion of the World Silambam Association (WSA) or an authorized Testing Authority.


Event Testing


During the Silambam events, the Silambam Player can be requested to provide samples for either an in- or out-of-Tournament test. Doping control for in-Tournament tests is carried out under the supervision of either of Medical Committee or a representative of the Medical Committee. Out-of-Tournament tests are the responsibility of the authorized Sample Collection Authority.
Exclusion: For Silambam Pattern (Tani Tiramai - Sala Varisai) and Veteran Tournament, there will be no doping control.


Athlete Notification


Athletes are notified accordingly. For in-Tournament tests, the Silambam Player is notified after their last games on a day.


Modification for Minor Athletes


Minor athletes should be notified and tested in the presence of an adult accompanying person of their choice to abide and respect the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rules.


Accredited Laboratory


Only the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accredited/approved Laboratories can analyze the samples. The Doping Control Coordinator has to inform the Medical Committee about which laboratory will be used. In the case of Adverse Analytical Finding detected, the World Silambam Association (WSA) will follow the Silambam Anti-Doping Rules. The Medical Committee delegate has the right to cancel or stop a test if it is medically justified.


The Prohibited List


2023 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (effective 1 January 2023)


The 2023 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods, valid as of January 1, 2023, is currently available in following languages – English, French, Spanish. More language versions are available at


The List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List), is the International Standard that designates what is prohibited in- and out-of competition. The List also indicates whether particular substances are banned in particular sports. Substances and methods are classified by categories (e.g. steroids, stimulants, gene doping). The List is updated annually by WADA, published on October 1 and comes into effect on January 1 of the following year. World Silambam Association (WSA) updates the mentioned above documents on its official website. Silambam athletes and coaches can obtain the latest information here.


For any questions related to Anti-Doping, please don’t hesitate to contact us at




All medical matters are the responsibility of the Medical Committee.


The Medical Committee members must be highly experienced medical specialists or experts in the field of anti-doping.


The Medical Committee is responsible for formulating and revising the regulations regarding medical supervision of athletes and the anti- doping code and for supervising the implementation of these regulations.


In addition to formulating and implementing regulations, the Medical Committee is responsible for the following:


• Examining and handling proposals relating to medical affairs that are submitted by NFs or Continental Federations.


• Supporting the organization and execution of anti-doping controls in accordance with the WADA standards at the competitions during which World Silambam Association is the Testing Authority (TA).


• Physical examination of the athletes prior to each competition.


• Making recommendations to the Technical Committee to disqualify athletes who do not meet the requirements for participating in a competition.


• Organizing lectures on medical supervision.


• Providing advanced medical supervision means and methods for National Federations (IFs) and Continental Federations.


Anti-Doping Education


The Athlete Learning Program about Health and Anti-Doping (ALPHA) has been developed with the input of eLearning specialists, athletes, anti-doping specialists and anti-doping social scientists.


Based on the latest findings in Social Science Research and learning technology, the aim of this tool is to change attitudes and therefore have an impact on those who intend to dope. Therefore, if effective, the tool will potentially reduce doping behavior amongst athletes who are already doping, or prevent other athletes from doing so at all. If the intention of the learner was not to dope, the tool provides all the necessary information for an athlete and reinforces the protective factors.


The uniqueness of this tool lies in its ability to provide positive solutions to athletes to stay clean. By studying all the performance-related areas, such as rest and recovery, training, nutrition and helping athletes to identify where they could do better, the tool shifts the focus away from what athletes are not allowed to do to instead providing athletes with solutions to allow continued progression in a clean.


Alpha is accessible at


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World Silambam Association

GOVERNING BODY FOR SILAMBAM in the effort of preserving intangible Indian traditional arts, culture, sport, and education around the world.


World Children's Day

World Children's Day
Date: 20 November 2025
Start Time: 8:00am
Location: Worldwide


World Silambam Day

World Silambam Day
Date: 22 November - Every Year
Countdown start:
Festival Week: 18 to 24 November
Start Time: 8:00am
Location: Worldwide
Inaugurated: The fixed day of World Silambam Day falls on 22 November every year, which falls within or between the Kartika Month கார்த்திகை மாதம் (mid-October to end-November). The purpose of World Silambam Day is to commemorate "the birth month" of Shiva's son, named Murugan/Skanda/Kartigeya, the pioneer of Silambam creation, who led Sage Agastya to become his disciple, and thus document the historical moment of Silambam's birth. Murugan, in disguise, also taught Sage Agastya, making him compile three texts on palm leaves, including the Kampu Sutra (Staff Classic), which has a record of advanced fighting theories in verse.

Topic Links and Resources



Sports Rules Book


Rankings & Medals


Silambam Certification



Sustainable Development
Goals 3

Sustainable Development Goals 3 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:

Most sport-based health interventions are attempts by organizers to educate and empower participants to help prevent health issues. There has been a worldwide embrace of the use of sports to address health issues and sensitive health subjects because of its flexible, engaging and educative nature. Many sports programs are used to tackle different communicable diseases, sexual and reproductive health, and substance abuse.

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Sustainable Development
Goals 4

Sustainable Development Goals 4 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:

High-quality physical education is critical to the developing ‘physical literacy’ in young people. According to International Physical Literacy Association, ‘physical literacy’ is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.” It also enhances educational outcomes for young people when they relate with the targets of this SDG through sports.

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Sustainable Development
Goals 5

Sustainable Development Goals 5 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:

End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. It is not hard to see the relationship between discrimination against women and girls and its extrapolation into sports. However, even though this same expression of gender discrimination and disparity appears within the sporting community, sports present a very strong avenue to combat the scourge. Sports can be a powerful platform for advocacy and raising awareness, leading to the abolishment of all forms of discrimination against women and girls. The human rights-based rules of a sport can help to replace culturally discriminative norms that exclude women and girls from sport. Sports and sports-based community programs in particular can, if designed inclusively, cause positive shifts in gender norms and promote gender equality.

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Sustainable Development
Goals 8

Sustainable Development Goals 8 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:

The growing scale of the sports industry, and its links with other sectors, offers opportunities for economic growth and decent employment. From sports merchandizing to sporting products development, sports advertising to sports branding, sports journalism to commentary, just to name a few, there exist boundless opportunities for young people to explore and make a living from the sporting industry. Apart from the natural resources of a country or a city, sport events provide the next best opportunity to improve its international image and act as a stimulus to develop tourism infrastructure and revenue over time.

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Sustainable Development
Goals 9

Sustainable Development Goals 9 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:


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Sustainable Development
Goals 13

Sustainable Development Goals 13 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:


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Sustainable Development
Goals 15

Sustainable Development Goals 15 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:


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Sustainable Development
Goals 16

Sustainable Development Goals 16 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:

One area where the power of sports is most visible and where it has the greatest potential to effect global change is in fostering peace. Equally, sustainable development, peace and security are dependent on universal access to justice and the effective implementation of good governance principles by institutions that are transparent and accountable. The high profile of sports athletes, teams and events gives them significant symbolic status with respect to the promotion of peace, inclusion and social cohesion. National teams and athletes can serve to cultivate collective identities within countries that have suffered from societal divisions. Sports has been used in a variety of ways towards different objectives associated with peace, violence reduction and inclusion. Community-based participation and volunteering in sports can engage otherwise marginalized groups and allow the development of shared identities and social ties.

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Sustainable Development
Goals 17

Sustainable Development Goals 17 icon UN SDG logo for Silambam

Silambam Activities:

The contribution of sports to development is extremely important to the point that it is at the root of the Action Plan. The Action Plan is an evidence-based consensus amongst stakeholders from governments, sport and other civil society organizations, which consists of two main components:

Policy effectiveness: Five priority actions that are worth focusing on by international cooperation’s (including advocacy and the development of indicators to measure the contribution of sport to the SDGs);

Policy coherence: Sports policy follow-up framework facilitating the convergence of different stakeholders around three main policy areas and 20 specific policy areas, the main ones being:

• provides universal access to sport;
• maximizes the contribution of sport to SDGs;
• protecting the integrity in sport.

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Silambam Sports Rules SSR Book






Silambam Rankings & Medals






Silambam Certification






Event Registration

Registration Form in development.





This status report on Silambam activity for physical, health, sports, and education is the first dedicated assessment of global progress on country implementation of the Global Action Plan 2018-2030 to improve activity levels, strengthen coordination, international development, foster partnerships, and reinforce the urgency on safeguarding the Indian traditional arts worldwide.